Tuesday, March 31, 2009

Naked Truth.

I finished a photoshoot that could only be described as epic. Now I had taken over 2000 photographs, which is a first for me by far. I think the most I had ever taken previous to this day was closer to 600 photos. I crushed my limit by sixty feet. The shoot was with Jane Sommet and Charli, whom both are beautiful in they’re own right. The shoot was grand, fun and exciting in so many ways. I even ended up talking with young model (whom they know) about doing a shoot with me. Which made today even more fun. So hopefully I make the edits for this shoot just as perfect as they deserve to be, I owe it to the models to do so. I will keep everyone updated on it.

Jurassic Park, movie versus novel.

In actuality, I have no problem with either the novel or book. In reality, I love both. One being a childhood favorite film of mine. The other being my current favorite book. Now the reason I bring this up, is that this book is truly amazing and so is Michael Crichton writing. His writing in this novel was lightening fast that it was a thrilling experience to read. Normally I sit down with a 400 page novel and finding myself taking a month to read it. This book literally took me a few days. And not due for lack of anything but because the style was so fluent and so beautifully put together that it just was a fun read.

Now being a fan of the film since 1995 when I first saw it, I knew the idea, the story, the characters, the scenes, the feel, and so on. So it was easy for me to get into the book, and it was like a roller coaster ride. And I found myself playing the entire movie in my head while reading the novel. It was stunning what was added to the film and what was left out. Now I am sure that Michael Crichton, David Koepp and Malia Scotch Marmo (unaccredited) had their reasons for not including certain aspects of the novel into the movie. And I am sure those reasons where to do budget, producers, and the fact that Steven Spielberg was directing it, and that it was going to be a block-buster like all of his other films.

Now the film it’s self is a beautiful but slightly loose translation of the book onto celluloid. It deserves all the critical acclaim it’s given. As well as it’s achievements in CGI, special effects and creating some of those most beautiful creatures seen on camera by the late Stan Winston. So it has a lot going for it. I can’t give it enough praise.

And now reading the book, makes me love the movie more, but also makes it a bit harder to watch, because I go “WHY DID THEY CUT THAT!?!” and giggle to myself when a line from the book is put into the film.

So this blog wasn’t really anything besides me gushing about Michael Crichton’s Jurassic Park and the film translation by Crichton, Koepp, and Spielberg.

So yeah. You could say I recommend it. Ha.

Sunday, March 29, 2009

Misc News 001.

So recently I had done a set with Stephanie and Nayely, both of which I have worked with previously. We did a small shoot at Stephanie’s house and it came out relatively well. I enjoy worked with Stephanie and Nayely and I hope to work with them more over this summer.

Go to - 


- to view the images.

As for the film OLDSKIN, I will be uploading it to Youtube sometime soon, so I can show all of my fans the horrible short I’ve created from sheer boredom.

So hopefully I’ll have that up in the nearing future.

Also, this Monday if things go accordingly I will be doing a photoshoot with two models, one whom I’ve worked with before and a new model who is tagging along. Hopefully this shoot will prove to be grand and wonderful. No doubt in my mind about that.

Also, on Wednesday I will be working with Kitty again on a shoot though I can’t promise anything thus far.

Wednesday, March 25, 2009

Pixies - 2009.

If there is one thing to be excited about this amazing band are playing live again in 09. They did a reunion tour back in 04 but I wasn’t as knowledge as I am now about their importance to not only american music but myself. So now hopefully they’ll start up another tour that I could possibly go and actually experience. Usually I am not a concert kind of guy but I’d go to see them or even Sonic Youth if they come around, or even Pearl Jam if tickets didn’t cost 6 arms and 3 legs. So out of tribute for my love of the Pixies, here is a video link to a music video that I did NOT make. Ha.

Post Scribe - And the thought of them getting together again and hitting the studio for a new album not only scares me but makes me a very excited fan. Here’s hoping for the best.


Old School Racing - Once Upon a Time in a Basement.

Slot Car: A Children‘s Toy. Slot Car Racing: A Nationwide Hobby and Sport. My father happens to be a Slot Car Enthusiast and quite the collector. For his last birthday, I decided to do something special for him - Make a short film around his hobby. Thus came my most commercial film to date and the most publicly viewed as well. And with out further a due here it is.


Tuesday, March 24, 2009

Making up for Yesterday.

I decided that since I missed out on posting something yesterday that I would do myself one better and post something today about something though the only thing on my mind doesn’t have anything to do with me but rather about the music I love. For example Grindcore - a genre of punk (yes punk) that I really feel lately. From Brutal Truth to Napalm Death to Pig Destroyer and Agoraphobic Nosebleed to Carcass and to even A.C., I just love the sound, the speed, the intensity, the humor and overall the artistic value of most of the grindcore bands I have gotten into. Though I makes me cringe to say “Grindcore” because it makes me feel like one of those “emo kids” talking about their various music tastes that all end in the word “Core”. But anyway, Grind is a genre no one gives enough love to. I think more people should give it a try, even if it isn’t they’re cup of tea. I’ll eventually say more about the subject, knowing me. 

Never Been...

One for boasting about myself or my work, it makes me feel conceded, which is why I guess I was so apprehensive toward doing a blog that people may or may not read. I just figured why not, you know? Anyway, since I started my work as an photographer and would-be filmmaker - I’ve created 58 photoshoots with various models and still counting, and nearly countless image after image of everything else. Also as a filmmaker I’ve recently finished my 8th short film which took about a year to define and 4 cuts later I finally have it to where I can stand watching it. But today I am going to put up myself promotional trailer that I made. So if it sucks, I’m sorry I was still learning.

Sunday, March 22, 2009

Welcome to my blog Says the Artist.

So here I am, writing on a blog - a day I didn’t think I ever thought would come but here it is and joy to the world per say. I am an artist whom wishes to show more of the world my art. I will put up various things from short-film to photography and poetry, and who knows maybe just some various items of interest for those who are interested. So I hope I can be a decent Blogger!

- Andrew.