Sunday, June 21, 2009


I was going to write a rant about comic books, but I couldn’t bring myself to do it. I find to many things in common with the people who are working on comic books to say anything negative about any of them, they all deserve anyone’s respect. Because it’s not about fame (for some it is) and it’s not about fortune (for some it is) and it’s not about authorship or owning what you create (for some it is), it’s about writing about your childhood hero’s, the ones you dreamt about when you where 4 to 29. With out the superhero, there would be no American comics today, that’s a bold statement, but it’s true.

Comic books, when they picked up speed before the superhero came along, where crime, horror, romance, fantasy and science fiction, all pulp magazines, which are fantastic in they’re own right, but they didn’t have the bang to capture thousands upon thousands of children’s hearts and imaginations, Like Batman does or Superman, or even Spider-Man. With out the superhero, they’re would be no need for the anti-superhero comics like the titles released under Vertigo. With out the superhero there would be no indie comics, trying to make it on they’re own.

So some of us may dislike the 12 different Batman titles, but you know what, with out it, you wouldn’t be here reading comic books like Love and Rockets or Walking Dead or V for Vendetta or Any comic books currently, in America.

Japan, France and Italian comics, it’s hard to say whether or not the superhero had any influence or impact on the early comics that gave way for they’re “classics”. But there is an influence of the superhero over there now. And where do the superhero come from you might wonder? The Greek and Roman god mythos, or at least in part, is where they come from. There are whole studies on the superhero and comic books, which have been done for ages and ages.

So do I have anything against the superhero? No, would I much rather read something not about someone saving the earth or humanity from an alien named Brainiac, yes. So it comes down to personal opinion, much like film, art, music and heck, even religion goes, it’s all personal opinion. So do I care what comics you read? No, do I care that you read comics? Hell-yes I do. And am damn happy to hear it too.

(And I’ve read superhero comics, even owning some of my own. But thank the ___ for people who like to push the limits of even a alien in red and blue spandex. And I own a lot of Batman paraphernalia, including films and cartoons, so who am I to bitch about it. Ha!)

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